URI: https://uhlibraries-digital.github.io/bcdams-map#hasType
Definition: The identifier of a concept, or a word or phrase from a controlled vocabulary (thesaurus etc) giving the type of the CHO.
Obligation: Optional
Repeatable: True
Range: AAT Genre Term
DPLA MAP v4 Usage: Captures categories of described resource in a given field. Does not capture aboutness. Vocab Schema: AAT.
Genre should be expressed as an authorized term from the list below. Terms are from the Art & Architecture Thesaurus. Genre does not represent aboutness.
Use the capitalization below; pay close attention to terms that are pluralized.
Valid Genre Terms |
admission tickets |
advertisements |
agendas (administrative records) |
annual reports |
application forms |
architectural documents |
architectural drawings (visual works) |
architectural models |
art (fine art) |
articles |
audiocassettes |
badges |
black-and-white negatives |
black-and-white photographs |
booklets |
books |
broadsides (notices) |
brochures |
business cards |
business records |
cards (information artifacts) |
caricatures |
cartoons (humorous images) |
catalogs (documents) |
certificates |
clippings (information artifacts) |
color negatives |
color photographs |
color slides |
comics (documents) |
copper engravings (visual works) |
copy prints |
correspondence |
diaries |
digital images |
directories |
documents (object genre) |
drawings (visual works) |
engravings (prints) |
envelopes |
essays |
exhibition catalogs |
financial records |
financial statements |
fliers (printed matter) |
folders (containers) |
government records |
illuminated manuscripts |
illustrations (layout features) |
inscriptions |
instructional materials |
instructions (document genre) |
interviews |
invitations |
journals (periodicals) |
leaflets (printed works) |
lectures |
ledgers (account books) |
legal documents |
letters (correspondence) |
letters of recommendation |
lists (document genres) |
manuscripts (documents) |
maps (documents) |
memorabilia |
memorandums |
menus |
military records |
motion pictures (visual works) |
napkins (culinary textile) |
newsletters |
newspapers |
notebooks |
notes |
obituaries |
pages (components) |
pamphlets |
paper money |
periodicals |
photographs |
plates (illustrations) |
playbills |
poems |
postcards |
posters |
presentation copies |
press releases |
prints (visual works) |
programs (documents) |
property records |
questionnaires |
radio programs |
records (documents) |
reports |
résumés (personnel records) |
rosters |
sashes (costume accessories) |
school yearbooks |
scrapbooks |
sheet music |
sketches |
songs (musical compositions) |
speeches (documents) |
stamps (tools) |
stickers |
surveys (documents) |
T-shirts |
telegrams |
woodcuts (prints) |
yearbooks |
This field is not included in the preservation package.